Sunday, 20 February 2011

Sunday 20th February 2011 Schedule

Sunday 20th February

8.30 am Registration Desk opens
9.00 am to 5.30 pm Dealers Super Showcase opens
9.00 am to 5.00 pm Band Call (Rehearsal) for Sunday Gala Show acts in the Opera House
10.00 am Richard Osterlind Lecture in the Spanish Hall
10.30 am E.G.M. of FISM Europe in the Renaissance Room which is located upstairs. Take the left hand stairway at the Bar entrance of the Foyer.
10.45 am to 12.45 pm Two "Kidz R Uz" Lectures in the Ice Room, 1. Hank Moorehouse 2. David Tomkins
11.00 am International Close Up Show - in the Pavilion Theatre - First Session starring: -
1. Michel - Argentina
2. Jay Sankey - Canada
3. Michael Rubinstein - USA
4. Bernard Bilis - France
12.30 pm Michel Lecture in the Spanish Hall
2.00 pm Bernard Bilis Lecture in the Spanish Hall
3.00 pm International Close-Up Show - Pavilion Theatre - Second Session - starring:-
1. Craig Dickson - USA
2. Richard Osterlind - USA
3. Jupiter - Hungary
4. Richard Sanders - Canada
3.30 pm Michael Rubinstein Lecture in the Spanish Hall
5.00 pm Registration Desk closes
5.30 pm Dealers Super Showcase closes
7.00 pm International Gala Show in the Opera House - Comperes: Clive Webb & Danny Adams
10.45 pm After Gala Show Party in the Spanish Hall with:
1. Jupiter - Hungary
2. Andrei & Ruslan Fomenko - Russia
3. Andy Eastwood - United Kingdom Compere: Karl K

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